HOLISTIC SCORING, A single score is assigned to an essay, which represents a reader’s general overall assessment. For example, rubric for scoring oral production. 

The advantages: 
• Fast evaluation and relatively high inter-rater reliability 
• The fact that scores represent “standards’ that are easily interpreted by layperson 
• The fact that scores tend to emphasize the writer’s strength 
• Applicability to writing across many different disciplines

• One score make difference across the subskills within each score 
• No diagnostic information is available 
• The scale may not apply equally well to all genres of writing 
• Raters need to be extensively trained to use the scale accurately

PRIMARY TRAIT SCORING, is a variation of the holistic method in that the achievement of the primary purpose, or trait, of an essay is the only factor rated. It focuses on “how well students can write a narrowly defined range of discourse.” 

A primary traits score would assess: 
• The accuracy of the account of the original (summary) 
• The clarity f the steps of the procedure and the final result (lab report) 
• The description of the main features of the graph (description) 
• The expression of the writer’s opinion (response to an article) 

ANALYTIC SCORING, assess as many as six major elements of writing are scored, thus enabling learners to hone in on weaknesses and capitalize on strengths. 

• Five categories (Content, Organization, Vocabulary, Syntax, Mechanics) total points is 100.
